To ensure that all precious metals in the MKS PAMP supply chain are not tainted by conflict or human rights abuses, our Responsible Precious Metals Group Policy, clearly articulates our commitment for an ethical and responsible supply chain. In addition, we have initiated many international and industry-wide initiatives and collaborate closely with organisations to set the highest codes of conduct for the industry as a whole.

OECD Guidance

1 OECD Guidance

The OECD has issued a Due Diligence Guidance on Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. The guide provides detailed recommendations to help companies respect human rights and avoid contributing to conflict through their mineral purchasing decisions and practices. Read the Code

MKS PAMP is a founding member of the working group that drew up the Gold Supplement to the Due Diligence Guidance, specifically to focus “on the steps companies should take to avoid contributing to conflict and serious abuses of human rights in the supply chain of gold potentially sourced from conflict-affected and high-risk areas”. Read the Gold Supplement

MKS PAMP is also a member of the Multi Stakeholders Steering Group in charge of implementing the Guidance.

LBMA Guidance

2 LBMA Guidance

MKS PAMP led the drafting of the London Bullion Market Association's Responsible Gold Guidance (LBMA RGG), based on its own state-of-the-art procedures as well as the OECD Due Diligence Guidance. Read the LBMA RGG.

The LBMA sets and monitors refining standards, creates trading documentation and fosters the development of good trading practices. In order to help refiners to implement the LBMA Responsible Gold Guidance, our Group has led the project to establish a best practice due diligence toolkit. The toolkit is available on the LBMA website.

MKS PAMP is audited on a yearly basis for its compliance with the LBMA Responsible Gold Guidance, the LBMA Responsible Silver Guidance and the LPPM Responsible Platinum & Palladium Guidance.
Read the 2023 MKS PAMP LBMA/OECD Independent Limited Assurance Report.
Read the 2023 MKS PAMP LPPM Independent Limited Assurance Report.
Read the 2022 MKS PAMP LBMA Independent Limited Assurance Report.
Read the 2022 MKS PAMP LPPM Independent Limited Assurance Report.
Read the 2021 MKS PAMP LBMA/LPPM Independent Limited Assurance Report.

Previously known as PAMP, the company was the first LBMA refinery to pass the LBMA Responsible Gold Audit in 2012 and obtained the LBMA Responsible Gold Certificate. Read the 2015 PAMP LBMA RGG Independent Limited Assurance Report, the 2016 PAMP LBMA Independent Limited Assurance Report, the 2017 PAMP LBMA Independent Limited Assurance Report, the 2018 PAMP LBMA Independent Limited Assurance Report, the 2019 PAMP LBMA/LPPM Independent Limited Assurance Report and the 2020 PAMP LBMA/LPPM Independent Limited Assurance Report.

Formerly named MKS (Switzerland), the company had also undergone a voluntary audit for its compliance with the LBMA Responsible Gold Guidance. Read the 2015 MKS (Switzerland) SA LBMA RGG Independent Limited Assurance Report, the 2016 MKS (Switzerland) SA LBMA Independent Limited Assurance Report, the 2017 MKS (Switzerland) SA LBMA Independent Limited Assurance Report, the 2018 MKS (Switzerland) SA LBMA Independent Limited Assurance Report, the 2019 MKS (Switzerland) SA LBMA/LPPM Independent Limited Assurance Report and the 2020 MKS (Switzerland) SA LBMA/LPPM Independent Limited Assurance Report.

Responsible Jewellery Council

3 Responsible Jewellery Council

Our refinery is a Certified Members of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) and therefore comply with the RJC Code of Practices, a procedure that requires them to undergo an independent audit.

The RJC is a not-for-profit, standards setting and certification organisation that spans the jewellery supply chain from mine to retail. The Code of Practices address human rights, labour rights, environmental impact, mining practices and product disclosure.

MKS PAMP was actively involved in the drafting of the Chain-of-Custody (CoC) Standard for the precious metals supply chain which was launched in March 2012. The CoC Standard aims to support claims for responsibly-sourced jewellery materials produced, processed and traded through the jewellery supply chain.

MKS PAMP SA obtained its RJC COP certification in 2011 and its RJC COC certification in March 2015 

ASM Initiatives

4 ASM Initiatives

Our Group plays a leading role in various initiatives that aim to help ASM (Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining) access international markets and progress towards responsible sourcing standards:

Swiss Better Gold Association: a not-for-profit association created by key Swiss players in the gold supply chain together with the Swiss Government (SECO) to support ASM towards more socially inclusive and better environmental practices. MKS PAMP is a founding member and is a member of the Board of the Association.

Public Private Alliance for Responsible Minerals Trade: this association supports the measures taken in the African Great Lake Region towards responsible sourcing. MKS PAMP is a member of the Governance Committee of the Alliance.

- In June 2015 MKS PAMP was recognised by Human Rights Watch for having “robust” due diligence practices over its Ghanaian artisanal supply chain.